

Plugin thread: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-edit-lytreehelper-v2-5-1-minecraft-1-7_02-ready-818-1060.7501/

What is LyTreeHelper? Do you have enough of chopping all the log blocks? That much lost time with chopping wood? You should try LyTreeHelper ;), because it can - enable/disable the leaf-decay - increase the speed of wood collecting - drop apples/golden apples/saplings or leave-blocks - increase the tree farming efficiency - destroy the whole tree with wood and leafes if the connection to the ground gets lost - increase the floating leaves harvesting - allow only permitted users to destroy the whole tree (Permissions plugin) - have a own configuration for each world - generate single trees, tree nurseries or whole forests - drop custom items from leaves - allow items to drop only if the tree is harvested from top down - enable a maximum tree radius which makes it possible to chop single trees in forests - save your forests and regenerate it from far away - and some other features!

  • minecraft/lytreehelper.1330926305.txt.gz
  • 上一次變更: 2012/03/05 13:45